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Recent Innovation of Bio-technical Industrialization

Bangshidhar Goswami, I. Singha, N. Goswami, B.B. Mishra, J. Dutta, N. Biswas


This paper is study of industrial biotechnology to cite innovation for economical sustenance. Subject of interest has been conferred origin to subject additional excused perform to adject promptive issue on consumer goods, e.g., pursue of chemical, plastic, vegetable oil, biofuel, enzyme, microorganism based produces, energy from plant, etc. Deliver of clean and affordable manufacture has been to allocate creative skill to benefit modern trend. Adaptation/modification of biological organism, product, and process/system has provisioned bio-technological issued form to achieve ethic of eco-efficacy originated innovative product develop. Scope of industrial biotechnology has been to search opportune based subjective. Field of industrial biotechnology has been secularism oriented processing to involve change in pharmaceutical, enzyme, biofuel and solvent, nutrient and polymer. Technical innovation identity has reticulated diversity of produce by colour code to differentiate among various area of biotechnology. Subjective scope identity has been white for industrialization, green for agriculturalist, blue for marine/fresh-water accuse, red to allocate pharmaceutical, brown for desert biotechnical affair, purple for patent/invent accuse. Ethical submissive has studied to form water vegetative prosecution. Metabolite originated algal biofuel has suggestive issued to be sustainable technology thereby ethic has prosecuted to replace fossil fuels. 50% starch content of algae has converted to ethanol, where major availability has descriptive issued cell wall of algae as mainly composed of different carbohydrates. Thus, depending on raw material scriptive has read as cellulosic ethanol. Pyrolysis process has followed to treat algal biomass to script formation of organic liquid, acetic acid, acetone, methanol, and eco-economically clean gaseous products.



Industrialization, Material, Biotechnology, Script, Eco-friend compose

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