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Microbes in Fruit Crops-An Analysis

L. Devarishi Sharma, Indira Sarangthem, Rahul Sadhukhan, Y. Herojit Singh, C. G. Sawant, Lalhming sanga


Fruit crops have already become a prominent alternative due to their nutritional properties, cutting short the dangerous burden on traditional repetitive cereal/tuber crop-based diets. Microbial diversity has shown varying degrees of synergism with fruit crops, which has played a catalytic role in releasing productivity stagnation through better nutrient efficacy. Because of their perennial framework and root structure, perennial fruit crops are better positioned to profit from nutrientmicrobe synergy. However, using multiple inoculations through crop-specific microbial consortiums, particularly AM-based consortiums, in combination with nutrients (organic or inorganic) provided a much better option in fruits. While the added benefit of a much better labile pool of microbial (taxonomic, function, and metabolic diversity) and nutrient pool of the rhizosphere for a more substantial soil carbon sink. To exploit the value-added benefit of nutrient-microbe synergy, the notion of "rhizosphere hybridization" is recommended. Furthermore, it adds dynamism to a microbial consortium suitable for a wide range of perennial fruits. Microbial consortia work well as a soil pretreatment, with fertigation as an alternative, before delivering soluble mineral fertilizers into the wetting zone of drippers to improve fertilizer use efficiency.


Fruit crop, microbial consortiums, AM-based consortiums, rhizosphere hybridization, fertilizer use efficiency

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