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“Quality Starch Extraction and Ethanol Synthesis along Examined Phytocomposition from Curcuma angustifolia”

Rakesh N. R., Gurumurthy H., Ganesh Tilve.


Indian plants have assumed a critical part in keeping up with human wellbeing and working on the nature of human existence with significant parts of medication, preparing, drinks, and colors. Curcuma Angustifolia is one among 80 animal groups having a place with the sort Curcuma, in the family Zingiberaceae local to the Indian subcontinent. The present study on Curcuma angustifolia is to Extract starch and phytochemicals, find out their antimicrobial activity and Production of Ethanol from extracted starch powder. Substance tests for the screening and distinguishing proof of bioactive synthetic constituents in the understudy were done by extricates like Acetone, Hexane, and Water utilizing the standard strategies through Steam and Simple refining. Yield of Starch powder was 300 grams per 1 kilogram of Curcuma angustifolia rhizomes. Antimicrobial activity of extract some zone of inhibition on Escherichia coli strain Aspergillus niger and Conversion of Starch into alcohol gave approximately 76% of Ethanol by specific gravity method. Further the test for Purity of extracted starch can be carried out using some analytical techniques and exact compound for antimicrobial activity could be determined using the Phytochemicals extract.


Curcuma angustifolia, Glucoamylase, Terpenoids, Anthocyanin, Retardation factor

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