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A Review on Principles of Bioinformatics and Its Methods Based on Sequence Techniques

Sona Singh


As it is evident, the genetic material is stored in DNA sequences and transcript in RNA and protein sequences, it makes sense to evaluate two or more biological sequences to look for resemblance and disparity that can be used to infer the relatedness of the sequences. These sequences are compared to generate information of their evolution with the help of latest technique of computational biology. Sequence alignment provides a way to arrange the sequences of genetic material to identify regions of similarity that may be an effect of functional, structural or evolutionary relationships between the sequences .This paper is focused on the perceptive of sequence based techniques and construction of algorithms that deal with problems of biological relevance that is widely known as computational biology or bioinformatics. It emphasize on utilizing the competence of computer to gain knowledge from biological data. The majority of issues in computational biology is linked to molecular and evolutionary biology and its focus is on analysis and comparison of the genetic material of organisms. One integral component in forming the outline of computational biology is DNA, RNA and protein. These elements are responsible for storing and utilizing the genetic material in an organism and can be described as strings over finite alphabets.

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