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Review on Types of Automatic Sterilization Systems in Hospitals

Nagham Mahmood Aljamali, Hasaneen Kudhair Abdullabass, Aseel Mahmood Jawad, Intisar Obaid Alfatlawi, Saher Mahmood Jawd


The current review deals with sterilization systems in hospitals, Sterilization is the comprehensive extermination of germs and disposal of their remains, and the process of removing or killing life manifestations of microorganisms; Surface bacteria and viruses include the surface of human skin or surgical device surfaces with medications or sterile fluids (or by radiation in the case of surgical devices). The World Health Organization has defined it as a term referring to the process of eliminating or killing all life and other organic materials, such as prions and viruses that are not living organisms but are biological pathogens, including communicable factors such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, prions, spores and eukaryotes. Such as Plasmodium in a specific place, such as fluids or in compounds such as biological media.


Heat sterilization, prions, autoclave, thermophilic bacillus, biomarkers, Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)

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