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Genetic analysis for resistance to bean ascochyta blight [Phoma exigua var. diversispora (Bubak) Boerema] among common bean genotypes in Rwanda

Clement Urinzwenimana, Rob Melis, Julia Sibiya


Suitable genotype resistant to bean ascochyta are currently not available and there is limited information on the inheritance of bean ascochyta resistance traits in common bean. Understanding the mode of inheritance of the disease would facilitate development of an appropriate breeding strategy. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the mode of inheritance of resistance to ascochyta in two trials involving for bush and climbers (Type III and IV). An 8 × 8 diallel mating design was used to develop 112 F1 progenies and F2 populations, including reciprocal crosses for each type. Resistance to ascochyta was found to be additive in nature because the GCA effects were highly significant (P≤0.01) in F1 generations. Overall SCA effects were not significant (P≤0.05), but two bush crosses (RWR 2245 × ASC 87; RWR 275 × MIB 755) and two climbers crosses (MAC 44 × G 10747, MBC 12 × G 35084) had negative, and significant SCA effects. Maternal effects were highly significant, suggesting the importance of cytoplasmic genes on resistance to ascochyta. However, non-maternal effects were also significant in some populations, suggesting a gene-cytoplasm interaction. Evaluation of F1 and F2 generations showed that ascochyta resistance was governed by recessive genes in most of the resistant parents. However, there was evidence of more resistance genes in the bean line ICTA Hunapu than in the other resistant parents. Broad sense heritability (H2) varied from 0.21–0.64 among the crosses, while narrow sense heritability (h2) 0.30±1.04 for bush type and 0.29±0.07 for climbers. The number of genes governing resistance to ascochyta varied from two to eight among the eight sources of resistance. The allelism test of resistant × resistant populations suggested the presence of many loci governing ascochyta resistance in beans. Therefore, selection should develop improved population for resistance to ascochyta. Selection with multiple backcrosses alternating between the recurrent parent and donor parent would be the best breeding procedure for improving resistance to ascochyta. However, there could be complications because the resistance is modified by cytoplasmic gene effects and their interaction with nuclear genes in some of the populations.


Keywords: Ascochyta, resistance, backcrosses, recessive genes, reciprocal crosses

Cite this Article: Clement Urinzwenimana, Rob Melis, Julia Sibiya. Genetic analysis for resistance to bean ascochyta blight [Phoma exigua var. diversispora (Bubak) Boerema] among common bean genotypes in Rwanda. International Journal of Genetic Engineering and Recombination. 2020; 6(2): 1–17p.

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