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Endothelial Cell Metabolism in Physiological and Pathological Angiogenesis

Anam Parveen, Savneet Kaur


Endothelial cells are inert blood cell lining. They are active in formation of new blood vessels like angiogenesis and in both healthy and diseases. The main motive of angiogenesis is hypoxia that mainly observes in diseases like cancer and atherosclerosis. It has long been established that hypoxic signaling and metabolism changes are highly interlinked.EC functions include blood clotting, formation of vasoconstriction and vasodilatation that control blood pressure, repair of damaged and diseased organs by inoculation of blood vessels cells. ECs depends on an intricate metabolic wiring which is characterized by intracellular compartmentalization, which also uses metabolites for epigenetic regulation of EC subtype differentiation, crosstalk via metabolite release with other cell types, and also exhibit EC subtype-specific metabolic traits.

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