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Dynamics of Progesterone Concentration and Fertility Response in Postpartum True Anestrus Buffaloes during Breeding and Low Breeding

Chandra Prasad Borra, Venkata Naidu G.


Efficacy of Ovsynch (OVS) and CIDR-Ovsynch (COVS) protocols in the treatment of true anestrous buffaloes and progesterone concentration was studied during breeding and low breeding season in farm and field. The percent conception rate at induced/observed estrus were 41.66(5/12) and 28.57 (4/14) in OVS and COVS group, respectively in farm conditions, while percent second service conception rate was 16.66(2/12) and 14.28(2/14) respectively, whereas percent third service conception rate was 00.00(0/12) and 7.14(1/14), respectively. No significant difference between breeding and low breeding season in pregnant buffaloes in both farm and field conditions whereas, significant difference was observed between pregnant and non-pregnant buffaloes on day 21. Acceptable conception ratewas recorded in Ovsynch when compared to CIDR-ovsynch adopted postpartum true anestrus buffaloes.


Anestrous, Buffaloes, Conception rate, CIDR-ovsynch, Ovsynch

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