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In- vitro Effect of Control Measures on Alternaria Tenuissima isolated from Lathyrus sativus L

Soni Rashmi Devi, Diwan R.


Lathyrus sativus L. is a plant having good nutritional values and medicinal importance. They have high protein content and play a significant role in human nutrition. It has been used for various medicinal purposes in Ayuredic and Unani systems of medicine. In Chattisgarh it is popularly known as “Teora” and consumed as a leafy vegetable crop by the local masses. A periodical survey was conducted during November 2012 to March 2013, in five different locations of Raipur district viz. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Raipur, two villages Jora and Bhatagaon and two kitchen farm houses of Kushalpur, Raipur.  Alternaria tenuissima was obtained from infected leaves of Lathyrus sativus which exhibited symptoms of   severe blight, brown spots and then degree of infection and disease intensities were found to be severe. Seeing the severity of the damaged caused by Alternaria tenuissima different control measures were applied in- vitro on it. Different agents viz. antibiotics, fungicides and angiospermic sources were selected. Antibiotic Griseofulvin, fungicide Blitox and angiospermic sources Carica papaya and Ziziphus jujuba completely checked the in-vitro growth of the Alternaria tenuissima.




Isolation, Alternaria tenuissima, antibiotics, fungicides, angiospermic sources

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