Surface Plasmon Resonance-based Biosensors for the Detection of Dengue Virus

Aqsa Tehseen, Tahir Iqbal, Robab Jahangir, Almas Bashir


virus (DENV) is deadliest mosquito born disease in modern era leading to the death of approximately 25,000 deaths per year. DENV has 10 proteins out of which three proteins are structural while seven proteins are non-structural which give rise to four different types of dengue serotypes based to the variation of genetic codes. In recent years research on the detection of DENV E-protein, NS1, IgM and IgG are done because these starts to appear as early as the very first day of dengue infection. This review article shortly recapitulates the restrictions of conventional methods for the diagnosis of DENV and censoriously review a few relevant surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based biosensors proposed since 2010 to 2019. These biosensors have significant improvement like having less chance of error and effective regeneration of sensor surface. All of the sensors are cost effective, are easy to use and detection of DENV can be done in much less time (30 minute) as compare to conventional methods like ELISA (requires 6 hours to even 2 days). Sensor chips were regenerated by placing chips in UV/Ozone chamber and Ultrasonic cleaner operating at 37KHz.

Keywords: Dengue virus, Serotypes, ELISA, Surface plasmon resonance, Biosensors

Cite this Article: Tahir Iqbal, Robab Jahangir, Almas Bashir, Aqsa Tehseen. Surface Plasmon Resonance-based BioSensors for the Detection of Dengue Virus. International Journal of Molecular Biotechnology. 2019; 5(2): 37–47p.



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